Thursday 11 April 2024

.: Stop Killing Games :.
Gamming 2024 & The Future
My Views ;)

Sooo i Did Not Like The direction Games wear Headed sense the PS3 lol
Yes the PS2 Was The First & Last, Haig Spec Game Console
i Got wit my Oven money :D

The 2 Biggest Tings That Kept Me from
Baying a PS3 Back then Was:

(1) * its Just So Big & Ugly + Was Expensive...
+ its just as Ugly as XBox :(

(2) * The Games Stared to Focusing To Motes On Being HD
And Not just Good Games :/

So i Was still happy Wit My PS2/PS1 Games
Not to Mansion My C64 i was Still Playing now and then ;)

i still Don have a PS4 Or PS5
for the Same Rison
+ Theirs no Games i Wont to Play one them
(: Other then VR :)
That i Can Not Play
On My Lest Powerful Nintendo Switch ;D 

(: i min Yes FX, HD Car Games is Nice
But My all Time Favorite Car Game 
is Still:
Ridge Racer Type 4 on PS1 :) 
(: Click to Se my Revie Hear :)

So Yes i Hop to one Day find
a Chip Used PS4 / PS5
One Day So i Can Play VR :O
Yes i have an Used PS3 Now :)
And i find tons of 1EU-ish Games For it
( = 10kr )

Yes that's a Knotter thing
The Prizes for XBox & PS Games
Are Just Creasy :O
And No This is Not a Collectors Edison :O

Even if its a Chip Game
you can Still end op Paying a Toon off Money in Game :(

Hers Just Sum the Tings touring this Girls off
HD-A-AA-AAA-AAAA Gaming in 2024:
1* The ReUsing of Concepts over & Over           
2* Pay to Whine Or And Just to Play...                
3* Games That Beardly work Day1                      
  4* Online Live Services Games,                             
          ( Whit live Spans of 1 year to only 2 Months ) :O
           5* + More & More Greedy for Noting in Return Stuff :(   

Stuff like this is Way
is a importin Movement :)

Cores wats to Stop This Greedy Company's
From ones the AAA & AAAA Games
Online Live Services Games

To Go after the Retro & indy Games :(
FX: you are Playing: 
Klonoa from PS1
But 10 minutes in to the Game
An PopUp, Pops Up ?
Pay 0,59 to Play Next Level
Or down lode Other Retro Games
(; BTW i Not an P
epsi Fan ;)

But LULU ?
We Can just Get the Rom & Play in a Emulator ?
Yes But Not if All the Company's
is going after the Emulators & Webs :/
in the Creasy Way Nintendo Dos it :(

So this is Way this is a Importin first Step :)
i Lad YouTuber Accursed Farms
Explain it all :D

.: Stop Killing Games :.

For the Future of all Gaming
New & Old
i Hop This Works

We Already Have Digital Games
That Not Just Get Removes
from Digital Shops :(
But Actually Delist itself from your CONSOL :O

(: So Plies Help :)

Lad Me Know wat you Think :)

Or One: