Thursday 7 March 2024

 Have to Make Your Owen
NS / 
Switch Games Holder
Out Off
The ( OSKARSHAMN ) Food Rest

So as of Making This Have-To Post :)
i have 117 NS Games + a Toon off Preorders lol
And As u Can Se Under her, Iiii... Was Running Out off Room 
( + All the Collectors Edison theirs not Room for hear lol )

So Other then Sum Day finding a Bit Long Wooden Box for the Bottom
"Sum Day" i wot only have Rome for Max 8 More Games...

But i Still Wot like All My NS Games to be Clos together  
+ i wonted to us the Long end off my Sofa More :)

( ! ) So that's Ween it hit Me ( ! )
Wat if i Got a Ottoman / Food Rest :O
Whit Stogies Space and open it up as 2 Selfies 
for My NS Games :)

it just need to have the Right Hight Size inside + Room to Spear
Se a NS Game Case is 17CM Tall in Hight :)
So you Need at list 18CM so you can take them out wit ease ;)

So The ( OSKARSHAMN ) From IKEA Seam to be Perfekta :)

Soo i tog a lite bit expensive Gamble lol
That for Me Atlas Payed Off :)

if you Tray This and us my institutions i Hop it work for you To :)
A Lot Can Go Wrong Like FX i had a Accident wit Glue Ruing out
And into the Fabrik over night :(

So Kip in Mind a lot Can Go Wrong
Ween you Tray to 
Modified Stuff :/ ;)

lol i am sure if you More Skill then Me
You can make it lock a lot better then Me hihihihihi...

>>>>>> (: OK So lads Start :) <<<<<<

Firs of you Need the Following Tools:

1* an Pensile or an Fabrik Pin / Chock.

2* an Good Power Drill Wit a Wood or Metal Drill Pica.
(: it Needs to Make a Hole Big enough That you Sore Fits in it ;)

3* an Small Metal/Plastic/Wood Swore That icily can Thanes Direction.

4* a Normal Wood-Swear.

5* a Long Preferable Metal Ruler.

6* The Whit Wood Glue That Becomes Clear/Se-True wen Dray.
( if you have a Stable Gun that might be a lot better lol i wish i had )

7* a Sap Hobby-Knife / Exacto-Knife.

8* a pair of Pliers.

+ 1 an Old Wood Selfie or Smaller wood
+ 1 a small Wooden Beam or old Beed Post 
or Smaller wood
+ 2 Big-ish Meatal Coreen Post holders.
+ Minimum 4 Small Screws. 


Fist you Make a Wage Marking off wear the Hole Weal be :)
The Most importin line is the Botham line
As it is wear the Flor of the inner Room is ;D

So its 22CMs Down From the Top
(: Not Measuring the Top Pace as you Take this of ;)

Form the Side Messer 8CM in using FX: DVD Case
Hold up From the Flat Side ;D

From the 
the Botham line up it so be 18 to 19 CM
Min ended op being 19 to almost 20 CM wen Don,
(( But its imported the Top Part is minimum 4 to 3.5 CM for Support ))

Ween you Mesred this out on Bofe sides
it Time to Cut The Fabrik using the 
Exacto-Knife :)
But First Make a Mare that abut 1.5ish CMs in on the Top & bottom line.
From the us the Metal Roller to Fin the Meddle
(: You do this Bay Laing the Role like the Green Lines ;)  

Then you Cot, and wen you Don it Sot lock Something like this
You Now Se the Whit-Fluff inside.
You Need to Cot it so theirs 3ish CM Lift from the Side

Then you Take Out the Middle Part off the 
And Save it for Ladder as we Need it for the Side ;D

The Stuff the Remaining 
Whit-Fluff under the Fabrik :)

Now you Take The Drill and Drill a Hole from the Bottom
from inside the Box and Out :)
(: like you se in the Photo ;)

Then you Start Sawing as acute as you can ;)
Wen u get to a Coroners
Us the Drill Agene and Drill a Hole
in The Croner from the outside in this time :)
(: Plies Make Sure to Have a Really Good Grip one it :)
(: Or i May Slip as it did for Me 1time Whit mad it eat sum the 
Whit-Fluff eehh :)

Ween you Dont it shot lock Something like this :)

( Yes the Lines i Mad wear Way Waaayy To Visible Soo Dont do that lol i did get them ok off Do )

(: Save the Part you Cot out as we Need to Resu Parts of it ;)

Owh and Remove the Small Stip of Cardboard-Wood
And Stable in the on the Botham, Using the 
Pliers :)

OK So Now you Repeat All that one the other Side ;D
lol Zzz...
All this tog Me 3 Days Bay the Way lol ;)
Sum is Part to the Glue needs to Dray over Night Do
We get to that in a Bit...

Wen you Don We Need for off This Wooden Stick
So u Need to Free Them and Remove the Stables using the 
Pliers ;)

We Us Them for extern Support in the Corner sides :)
So Now you Pot a Bit off Glue inbetweener the 

((( Do 1 side of the ( OSKARSHAMN ) at a Time
as it Need som hours to Drat
And for Love off...
Make Sure The Glue docent Run out now and then lol )))
OMG Wat a Nightmary i Had Fixing that :(


OK Now you don that
Its Time to Reinforces The 

You Need to Cut 3 Sturdy Wood Paces like You se hear

They Need to Sit Snugly under the Top Rounded Woot Pace of the 
As you Se in the Photo
= They Need to Be ( Exact 20CM Tale ) Not Any Less or More...
Or they Wot Find under And Wot Give the Support Needed To
Hold Someone Siting on it ;D

((( if you sit on it Do, you sot Tray not setting out on the Edges
Wear you cot the Holes as That Mayyy be Posing your Luck a Bit lol )))

Now Screw The Mid-Wood-Plank Pica as in the Middle of it all as you can,
Using the 2 
Meatal Coreen Post holders
And Small Scurs that Fit,
i only had 4 but it works :)
( Se Photo )


OK Now its Time to Make the Corner Sides lock nice wit Fabric Over them ;)
Now we Resus the 
Whit-Fluff :D
Whit a tiny Bit off Glue We Pot it, 
inbetweener the Cardboard-Wood
And a Bit over the Top

Now softly Stritch the Side Fabrics over and Behind on the inside
Now Ones you Got a Good ide off  the Sizes you need
Cut a Pica of it that's Not Needed so it not in the Way :)
(: owh & it good idea to Save this Paces to Fix Problems
if you run into them ladder or years from now ;)

Now Agene We use Glue to Glue the Fabric in Place :)
( Be Carful not to over do it with the Glue )

it Sot lock Something like This

Now lad the Glue Dray :)
Then Do the Other Side :)


Next We Cut & Glue
The Top & Bottom Fabric
So That They Locke's as Nice as Possible To ;D

First Cot the inner Fabric like This

Now you Glue the inner Fin Gray Fabric
So it Sits under The Fick Outer Fabric :)

The 2 Middle 
the inner Fin Gray Fabric
You Glue to Side off the Wood Paces in the Sides :)
(: Like in the Photo Below ;)

Ones its Dray
The Fick Outer Fabric over it :)

The Top 
The Fick Outer Fabric, Like the Sides
Need to Have Pica cut off So Test it before you Glue it ;D

Ween Dont it so lock something Like This :)

And Now you do the other side and Then your Almost Don :D
you Just got to lad it sit over Night
To Make sure its 100% Dray
Before you pot your Games in Lol ;D

Then you Add 2 Paces off Cardboard as an easy to Move Wall :D

Aaannndd WaLaa You Are Don :D

Ty For Reading This Post
if you Trad This i Hop That This Gabel Worked for you To hihihihi...

If you have Any Question you can Ask me in the TW Post Mad Under Hear

Or One: