Wednesday 29 January 2020

Wat is eBay Exchange Rates ???...
So to Strat theirs No shuts ting as Exchange Rates
Wen you bay a Product one the Net using a Credit-Cart :)
way is that ?
you are paying whit Digital Money
= 1 to 1 = 1
Sadly eBay & PayPal uses sum sort of lope hole
to make more money of YOU :(
Yes they Clime to us Money Exchange Rates :(
This mins you pay more then expected
after u Pay & cheek out
have must more you pay is best on
Currency Exchange Rates at the time :(
so ???
as this is not 100% ok to do ;)
eBay & PayPal
have given you a option
to more or les avowed this
( so cold Exchange Rates )
Se this Photo, it shows you
The US Pries & My estimated DKK Pries
My Normal Pries wot be 156,22 DKK
So the 162.64 is supposedly estimated DKK Pries
But it cot be a Tone more money then this :(
ok so how to avoid most of this ???
Se the Butten in this Photo
( More exchange rate options )
Click it and then Pick the Currency
The Seller is using ;D
its shot then say US 22.98 instead of DKK 162.64
So you sot now Only pay the
US 22.98 = 156,22 DKK
or wat it is in your Money ;D
yes the Normal Credit-Cart fees weal be added
but they are usually Small ;D
Hop This Help all You Fellow eBay Shoppers :D
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