Thursday 4 May 2023

Arcade's in Denmark

My Memory's
Visit to a small Arcade Exhibit 2022
Short List of DK Arcedes i know of:)
My New Family Member 2023 ;D


i Have Always Loved Arcades :D
Aver sense i was a Litel Girl
Around 5ish years old :)

Back then i Lived Her whit my Mom :)
And Right under us there Was a Kiosk

And it Allways had 4 to 5 Arcades in it :D
i remember They wot Rotate now and then.

So this Girls First Gaming Experiences was Arcades :D

i Remember Shouting:
MOM i going down to the Kiosk,
Then worked Dawne the Steps
And out & worked to the Lift

And True The Big Whit Front Doors :)
( Photo is From the 1996ish to 2000s,
The Arcades wear long gone then, )

walked in
And Whit Wonder in My Eyes
Steered up at all The Arcades :D
My Eyes Barely Hi Enough to se over the Control Panel lol
 All the Big Boys Playing the Arcades
lol i Bet i was annoying cores they test Me a Bit :)

Sometimes i wot Get Lucky
And One Was Nice and Gave Me a Game
Or they had to leave and lad Me Take Over :)

i lasted like 2 Minutes and then


So Arcades Was my First intro To
Video Games :)

So this was my first Memory's So
Sadly My Memory's on wat the Cab,s locked like, are Fussy :(

But i Remember 2 Games
The on that Was Clearest to Me
Was this little Red Ninja
 That had to Travel up an Mountain
And wen he jump up,
Or wen it Got Hit 
He made this Cute Sound :D

it Was Ninja - Kid 2 :D
Known as: Ninja Kun Or NINJA JAJAMARU

( i did Finely Refined this, abut 5ish years ago lol )

The other Arcade Game
i Remember, You played as a Black Puma
Hu code turn into a Cyborg Black Puma :)
i Still have no idea wat that Game was? :)

& i Remember this Space Shooter cores
The Cap was Pretty
& The screen was up Right, & So Long looking :)
Might have ben an old JAPAN Cab ?
( like Before the Whit Sit Down Ones )
+ i Think it Was Yalow :)

The Kiosk had Arcades from 84ish To 94ish
And we Moved in 89ish to a House
a Bit away from the Kiosk, so i did Not get to go as often :/
+ my MOM never lad me have any money to Play soo...

i ben Traying to Fin Photos from the Kiosk Arcades But No Luck, :(
i weal make a 3D model sum day do ;D
i show it in a Futur
Arcade's in Denmark VOL.? :)


So Last Summer in 2022
i was on the Way to the Hospital for a Check up :)
And Spotted this from the Buss
And i could See there Was Arcades inside :O
So i decided to Stop there on my Way Back
As its ben So Sooo Many years sense i last got to Play Arcades :)
This Was in Center Nord Aarhus
Front Entrance
Love the Big Donkey Kong
And Pack Man
lol And a Big Mario :)

But the First Ting i Spotted Was
My Big LOVE,


And an BB BalPit ? lol :D
And the Arcade But in a
Bulder Dash Cab ??? :)
Wasn't the Best Play Esperion's do :/

Hears More off the Arcades :D
i Love This CG*Games Cab ;D
This: TV*Game, one is Not Bad To :D
And this Beten up JP/US Donkey Kong CAB :)
Not a Cab We had in DK :)
This Rally X May have ben in DK Arcades do? :D
i Got to Play Sum Final Fight :D

it Was Fun finely Getting to Play Sum Arcades agene :D
it had ben like 9 years seen i last had the Chans :)

But OMG Was it Hot in there
And a lot off the Arcades wear in bad shape :(
And Sum Had Bad Flat Screens you Cot barely Se :/

But Was Still Nice Do ;D


So Wat Arcade's did we have in Denmark ?
My Childhood Memory's Are Fussy
But i Do remember the Wood Panel Sides Ones :)

i Remember ween i was 12 and up
i only fund Arcades at Amusement Parks
& They Sometimes had Dedicated Cabs :)
And Bowling Centers To :)

But Mostly i get to Play at
Wondering Carnivals :)

Or at The Camping we wear at That Summer :D

i Remember their was a Burger Haus
Out in the Woods in my City
Wear they had 2 NEO GEO Cabs :D
But Agene Not Dedicated Ones ? i think :)

And Agene No Photo's to be Found eehhh...

So i ben Looking a bit into wat CAP,s we had in DK
And Wear? & Wat Was The Company Names :)

This Wear Mostly JAMMA CAB,s Only :)

The Most Common One & Biggest one?

From 1972 :O in: Esbjerg, DK :D

There Arcades Was Know as
One of there ADDs :D
Elevator Action CG Add :D

Owh its in English ? :D
So they My Have Exported To? :O

CG Also imported Cabs From England :)
There Name Was:


Thay even had Video Games Building Kids

( Se its JAMME ) 

? May Have Ben a Kid ?

Thay are Still Around Today As:
The New Company:
CompuGame-DAE A/S
But its only Slot Games Now :(


Then there Was DVG
(: That i assume Stands for ? Danish Video Game ? :)
Not Sure wear in DK they wear from? :)
This one Runs NEO GEO MSV
They May have Ben Imports ? :)

Then There Was:
Fantasy Game

Not Sure wear in DK they wear from? :)
They May Also have Ben Imports ? :)



1 week Ago :D
Something i Never Believed Wot Happen 
Happened :O

i Got a CG JAMMA
Arcade CAB :O
i was locky and fund it ok chip
one the Net :D
And it got Pot on hold for Me :O

But Still
As i Was Panting my Kitchen

Wall last Week To Proper :)

i Still Did Not Believing it wot Happen
That Something Had To Go Wrong :)

?But it Did Not? :D

And Can you Blive it?, My Arcade
Got its Last CoinDoor Check in 1982 :O

The Stickers Say:
1 Game for 3Kr
2 for 5Kr
Makes a lot of sense now :D

So its a OLD Arcade CAB :D
3Kr was like 80s to 88 :)
From 1988 in to the 90s + it Was 5Kr :)
And 10Kr from 1998ish + :O

OMG i Still Giggle wen i se it hihihihihi...
And My Eyes Waters Up Wen i Play it hihihihihihi...

But Starting to understand its Real :D

i am Sooo Happy i got this CAP Type :)
As its the Type in DK that Coms Closes to
To The Joust / Moon Patrol Cap
That oftenest was used for The BubbleBobble Conversion Kid :D

My Biggest Holey Grail
is Having My owen

So i Make Sum Art for it
And have it Sticker Printed :D

Something Like my SL BB 3D Model One :D

( This Was the First CAP i Mad in SL So my abileys was a bit Limited )
i make a New One Someday lol :)

This Arcade has a 54 in 1
JAMMA Board in it :)

But i Get a 2800 in 1
Pandora Box CX, JAMMA Board 

as it has All The:
Bubble Bobble,s
Puzzle Bobble
one it :D

And many others i wont to Play :D

And More :D

i Also get a Neo Geo 1Slot Board

+ a NN Multi Cartridge :D

And a IGS PGM 1Slot Board
as i wot to play
Demon Front ;D

( A METAL SLUG like Game )

Then i wont to Fin a NEO GEO 2Player Control panel
Or Something similar :)

i make min a Japan Blue Neo Geo Art Print
Wit Bubble Bobble one it :)

i Hop you enjoyed This Post
and lock furvert to a:
Arcade's in Denmark

And Updates on My Bubble Bobble Arcade :)
i Post My Updates her and one Twitter over the Next Years :D

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