Friday 11 November 2022

Consoles Vs Computers
Is there a Difference Or are they the Same ?
PC Vs 

I just had Sum Long debates on Twitter about this,
Sum saying a Console is a Console
And a Computer is a Computer.

And Sum Say a Computer that's defined
as a Computer is a Console.

I Don't Really Agree or Disagree with them ;)

My Argument is the Line is Sooo Fin

Between wats a Console & wats a Computer
That To Me, it's the Same, and Wat matters
Is the Games we Play On them :)
And not the Type of System it's On ;D

So i never talk Console or Computer,
Just wat was my firsts ;D
As its the Same to Me…

And Before you go all Arrgg Not the Same Bla Bla So and So…

Please Read the Rast, and i Hope you then in the end
See that the Line Literally, is so Fin that there
More or less The Same ;D


OK So There the Same to Me
Cores of the Fin Line ;)

But i still define them as this:

A Computer Has a Keyboard + stuff
& you can Code or/and Run Programs one it.


A Console does Not have a Keyboard
& only Runs Games ;D

But Many are Boff a Console & a Computer,
Or a Computer & a Console,

Waaaattt ???...
You say ?
Weal Lad Me show you a Ton of examples then ;D

Lads Start with my Baby the Commodore 64
My first Gaming Device ;D

Weal that and My Nabor Girls NES :)
But that comes as Examples Nr:2 ;D

Examples Start:

Examples Nr:1

The Commodore 64. Short The C64

( The C64 C )

The C64 it's what we call a Micro Computer,
= a Computer :)
But it also had a Console :O
The C64 Games System.

No Keyboard & No Ports,
Just 1 Cartridge slot
& 2 Joystick/PowerPad Ports.  

Examples Nr:2

The Nintendo Entertainment System. Short The NES
Was a Console That first came out in Japan,

The Family Computer. Short The Famicom or NFC or FC

Yes despite the Name its essentially a Console.
But it could be upgraded to a Computer, Hens the original Name ;D

Yes you could Code NFC Sharp BASIC One it :D
And then Save it to the Tape Deck Just Like on the C64 ;D

And potentially to the NFC Disk System :D
And you could do Home Banking & Bet on Horse Races to lol

With the Family Computer Network System

But What about the NES you Ask ? :)
With US & EU Markets in consideration
+ The Video Game Crash in the US 
( & only in USA ;D EU Had No Problems )

Here in EU Micro Computers Ruled EU Soo :P

The Name:

Nintendo Advanced Video System.

( NAVS Prototype illustration )

So the idea was to launch it as a Micro Computer in EU/US
& Like in Japan it had a Keyboard & Tape Deck.

This is if they could have gotten the Price down
And the NAVS Dick had been added later
it could Have been a big Success in EU :D

it also had 2 Wireless Controllers
& a Wireless Zapper light Gun :O
Owh and Rob :D

Sadly the Focus was bigger on the US Market

Whits was understandable Whit Commadore Rolling
The EU and Sincler almost Rolling the UK Marked

So it Was Deemed Too expensive :(  
And the EU Got the NES We Know today Too :(

But =

Examples Nr:3

The MSX is a Line of Computers Made for Japan
And was meant to go World Wide as a New Standard :)

What is MSX then, you ask ?
In Short: MSX is Windows MOM ;D

Kay' Nishi & Bill Gates )

Agene like with the C64,
MSX Got a Console

Weal 2 to be exact :) 
On for MSX 1 & 2
In different variants :)

Its Name was: Zemmix

= No Keyboard & No Ports,
Just 1 Cartridge slot
& 2 Joystick/JoyPad Ports.

agene sum cot be Converted Back lol
Whit 2 Slot + Rom Expiation & Keyword
The keyboard for The Zemmix Super V. Consoles )

Examples Nr:4

The SEGA MasterSystem. Short The SMS
Was a Console That first came out in Japan,

The SEGA SG-1000 Computer video Game, Mark 1 & 2 & 3
Yes despite the Name, its essentially a Console.

( Make 1 )

( Make 2 )

( Make 3 )

But like the NFC it could be upgraded to a Computer To  ;D

( Note: The SMS We got in EU & NA is a Mark 3  )

Yes you could again Code SEGA BASIC one it :D

And then Save it to the Tape Deck Just Like on the C64 ;D

+ There Havely Related to the SG-3000 thats a Computer

Based one MSX with the Biggest Difference Being the Sound Chip :)

Which makes me ask a Question ?
Is the SMS Essentially a MSX at its Routes ???...

SEGA even had a line off Magazines
Cald: SEGA computer

Whit news about New Games & have to Program :) 


(: I will add these Magazines to the Blog one day :)

Examples Nr:5

The Amiga 1200. Short The A1200

The A1200 is a Computer :)
But it also had a Console :O

The Amiga CD32 Console

Wit Better 3D capability But Less Power, More or less,

But again This could be Expanded Back into
An A1200 :) with a Expansion Pack in Back & a Keyboard ;)

Examples Nr:6

The PlayStation 2. Short The PS2

A Console that could Get a Upgrade to a
Personal Computer = PC :)

The PS2 Had an empty Hole/Space in the back
Ware you put in a Box containing a Hard Drive,
And an internet Capable Port,
And The Linux Software Making it into a PC
Whit Keyboard and Mouse :)

nreleased Examples:

Unreleased Examples Nr 1
The PC Engine

it to had Plans to be a Computer ;D

Keyboard / Disk / internet / Expansion's
To To Cool :D

Unreleased Examples Nr 2
( Known as SEGA Genesis, in USA )
Also had plans to become a Computer

Keyboard / Disk / Digital Pen Pad / Expansion's
To To Cool :D

Honorable Mention & Unreleased Examples 

The SEGA Dreamcast. Short = SDC

Web Browser / Keyboard & Mouse / Eye Cam / Karaoke

The Unreleased Dreamcast Zip Drive

Examples End

Thats the end of my Examples But i am sure there's many more ;D

So One Argument against this Examples is:
( That Any System can be Hacked & Modified )

My Counter:
Yes that is True, 
But Not in this Case when 
This are official Conversion Expansions/Upgrade ;D
Or Dowen Grates ;)

But also if this is True doesn't that make the line even Finner ?...

My end Comment:

So did this Convince you, Like Me, That the Line is so Fin,
That it doesn't matter What the System's Name is,
But it's wat Games we Play On them that matters :)

I hope you liked my Blog Post :D
And Please Let me Know what you think on Twitter :)
But Please Keep it civilised, ok ;)

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the Blog & on Twitter

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Covering, C64, NES, SMS, Amiga, MSX, PCe, SMD, PS2,