Wednesday 30 October 2019


My List Of

Sadly you can not always Trust
That wat you se on eBay is wat you Get
even after checking all 3 importin tings
Tidal / Photos / and Tag as FX ( NEW )
+ sum sellers are just A-holes
But you can always Get your Money Back :D
So if a Seller is Being a A-hole
And FX
Wont give you a 50% Refund on Shipping+Object
On a ting that got D
amaged do to this A-hole
Shipping it in a Paper Bag and not a Box?
Then you can ask eBay to help or Step in
Or open a Retune
But Remember its the Seller hu has to pay for the Retune
if he fails to do so you get the full Refund + kip the item
ok so to help to Avoid Bad Sellers
hers a List to Avoid:

( game_over_shop )
He Removes the Box
after you bay from hem
Uses an EBay Loopholes
to Remove Negative Comments   
( Japan4you )
started as a nice J shop
but got more and more Greedy
Sadly went from nice to being A-holes :(
Weal Ban you if you ask for a Full Refund
On a item that for no risen gets Retuned to them,
They wont you to Pay for it to get Reshipped
it dos not madder that this is the first time
this has happen out off 100 times
wen you get band
= you the Bayer
can not Live a Negative Review
Yes = many not being Abell to live one :( 
( classic_consoles )
I got a Good looking
SGG Game in Box of hem
but he send it in a Bubble-Rap Envelop
NO A-Disannul Cardboard
Bubble-Rap on the inside?
I min We all knows you Don't Send
something that's Cardboard like this :(
You send it in a Bloody BOX MAN
it got Completely Smashed :(
( bopster )
they Clime to be
a UK Company
to ship from the UK
non of that is True
They Ship from Germany
+ the box I got was from
Scandinavia and not
from UK or Germany ?
The Real Problem is
they ship it in a Plastic-Bag
Wit no Cardboard or Bubble-Rap :(
= the Box arrived Damaged :(
But I did get a Refund in the end
Via eBay But it was a Battel :(
( fastdealblast )
sold Me Smartphone
whit Feke GBs
2 fake Cames
and 2 Supper bad ons
so NOT HD eeehhh
weal dot bay from hem ;)
or this

Phone Full Name:
x-serles x27 plus Leiga
1 2 2/27 asph summarit-h

Yes Got a full Refund ;D
More weal Sadly com :(

They weal be Added by me
Members of the Twitter Retro Community :)

if you have a eBay Sellers
hu Needs to be on this List
contact Me on Twitter
Give me the Name
The Reason
I add it to the List in u,r TW name ;D
sot u be a Seller hu disagrees plies Provide
Me whit Proffer of Non Bad behavior
I Consider if its is Valet to have u,r name
Removed from the List or Not ;)
Kip op to date on
the Blog & on Twitter
Contact Me


Friday 25 October 2019

The Messing Set of 3
My Hunt List for you all ;D
Lat the Building Start :D

Hay all :D
its Halloween so its a Feting's time for this :D

in 2013 to 2014

The user: 

Pot up 3 Designs
to coincide whit
The GhostBusters 30 Anniversary


They All Got the Votes Needed
But Sadly only 2 off the sets got Approved

I got the Car for Xmas one year
And was Saving up
for The Firehouse :D
But its 2999Kr
= 446,22 USD = 401,45 EUR
So was not sure I make it in time

Then wen I moved from my old Crampy Apartment
I got a tooon off Money back do to a Disbud :D

The Firehouse Was Mine

lol I am stile building it taking my Time whit it ;D

But I file Something is Messing :(
so wen I last week got/rereminded my Self
on TW :D

I went looking for the
Stay Puft Marshmallow Mans
PDF Manuals
Hopping by now they be online Sum Wear :D

And to My Suppress I fund it Her:
(( Click her for PDF Links and info ))

Theirs NO Bricks Hunt List for this Sooo...
For the Past 4 to 5 days
I ben Making one for you All
so you can Hunt fore all the Brick Pices you need :D

And Theirs a Lot
1309 Bricks
in all :D

So hears my JPG
Hunt List for you All

Part 1 of 3

Part 2 of 3

Part 3 of 3

Plies lad me know if I mad any Mistake so I can Fix them ;D

Hop You Like My JPG List
Enjoy The Hunt You All :D

Kip op to date on
the Blog & on Twitter
Contact Me

 info List for:


Click the LEGO ideas under her to se them ;D

NEW LEGO ideas 2023 Set
 Bud Spencer & Terence Hill: Watch Out We're Mad!

OLD LEGO ideas That did not make it :(
Bud Spencer & Terence Hill with Puma Dune Buggy

LEGOs Big New ECTO-1 Set Click Her

More Links are Coming ;D

Kip op to date on
the Blog & on Twitter
Contact Me